Signs of an Abused Animal


Like humans abuse comes in emotional, physical, and mental. Animals are abused either physically or by neglect and starvation. Some are even sexually abused by beastiality. Dogs are the most abused animal in our society.


1. Fear of strangers and other dogs

2. Aggression towards strangers and other dogs

3. Inhibited behavior possibly due to fear of punishment

4. Increased nervousness and hyperactivity possibly due to a feeling of insecurity and uncertainty

5. Hide or cower/shiver in a corner. They will seek a “hiding” place

6. Lack of attachment with people

7. Patches of hair missing, open wounds

8. Depression and sadness

9. Repetitive unusual dog behaviors, ie. excessive sucking on pillows, compulsively digging holes,

hoarding shoes, or spinning in circles during times of stress

10. Physical scars, ie. stab wounds, cauliflower ears, underweight, burns, dog bites usually around

head and neck


Some dogs may display all or some of these. Some of these above mentioned actions may not always be due to abuse but lack of socialization at a young age. If you do expect abuse do not hesitate to call your local police or animal control.