Did You Lose Your Fur Baby?
Here are some things you need to do:
Losing your fur baby whether it is for a few hours, days, month, or years can be devastating to not only the parent but the fur baby as well. Not knowing where or what is going on with your fur baby, not knowing if they are being taken care of by a loving person or on the streets foraging for food and water. Or worse, are they hurt or dead lying alone along the side of a road. First thing to do to prevent such a tragedy is to protect them from getting loose in the first place. But we all know there are some fur babies that are the best of escape artists.
1. Start your search as soon as you know your fur baby is missing. Do not delay.
2. Search every inch of you home and property. Close all doors and windows. Go over as many times as you can. Check under beds, couches, behind anywhere they can hide. Use their favorite treats or toys and call their name. If you hear movement that may be where they are. After you have checked everywhere in the house, check outside. Look for any holes or places it could have crawled under. Check the gate is latched securely. Is it possible the fur baby jumped over the fence or possibly stolen? This happens more than you think. Post pic and info of your baby in all feed stores and veterinarian offices. Most have community boards for posting. If your baby was micro chipped, most vets can locate it and get the info off it. Many check for micro chip on injured dogs that come in.
3. Always have a recent picture (preferably from all 4 angles especially any abnormal marks)
4. Contact all surrounding animal shelters with your pictures.
5. Let the public know your fur baby is missing. Put postures up where legal. Use the internet to post pic and info on your fur baby. Face book has sites just for your area for lost and found.
6. In this day and age where many people have cameras on their porches, check to see if your neighbors have one and ask if they caught anything on it.
Rewards may get your baby back particularly if it was stolen. Personally I feel people should return a beloved family member without wanting a reward. They should do it because it is the right thing to do and that is what they would want if they lost a beloved family member.
1. Contain dog to home or fenced in area. Always check daily for any area they can escape from.
2. Small dogs are never safe even in broad day light from coyotes and larger dogs. Always have them on a leash and remain with them.
3. To prevent digging under fence place landscape timbers or cinder blocks all around the bottom. They can be secured by stakes.
4. To prevent jumpers electrify the top of the fence.