the old dog/cat will naturally see the new one as an intruder and will protect his domain. with love, patience and proper supervision the old pet will eventually accept the new one. like kids they all need to find their niche in the family.
Best way to introduce a new pet
1. It is best to introduce pets outside the house. The older dog sees the home as his domain to protect. Outside is more neutral.
2. Approach slowly and be prepared if the old dog will not accept the new one at first. Like people they are all different. Some will take more time and patience than others. Both need time and space to acclimate.
3. Use a divider in a room. Keep door open so they can sniff and get use to each other. Or use a crate big enough for them to move in freely. This way they get to know each other without harm.
5. For small dogs you can use an exercise pen. Use caution because they are not completely safe if the old dog is big enough to reach in pen and do harm to the new one. Supervision is the key!
6. Supervise until all pets have proven they can get along. Remember your old pets will see the new one as an intruder. Give them time to smell each other. They are getting available info about each other.
7. It is best to have all pets on leashes in case a fight starts. Just like people pets take different times to be comfortable in their new home. It may take days, weeks or months. Be patient.
8. The new pet needs its own space, toys, beds, bowls, ect. Puppy proof the home before you bring it in.
9. Puppies will need pee pads until they are trained not to go on the floor. Letting them out every 2-3 hours and after meals teaches them pretty fast to go outdoors.
10. NEVER SPANK A PUP. A STERN NO IS SUFFICIENT! Reward when pup does the right thing.
What to Beware Of
1. Yawning, turning head away from other dog, tense jaws, tails held low, shaking, and hair standing along their backs are signs to break off the introduction and try again later.
2. Puppies are very energetic and will lunge, and agitate others to get them to play. Sometimes older dogs and dogs who are timid may not want to play. Supervise all visits until you know they will get along without you.
3. Beware of the alpha male/female and those that are territorial.
4. Growling is acceptable as long as the dog makes no inappropriate contact and injures the other. Growling is a dogs way of saying, “you crossed the line.”
5. If the old dog get agitated or overwhelmed it is time to separate and give them each their space. Try introduction again later.
6. Some dogs have anxiety problems and will tear stuff up when you are away. Put them in a crate where they can move freely. Eventually they will associate the crate as their personal den.